Monday, October 6, 2008

Chinese classic herbal formula

Chinese classic herbal formulas are a form of Chinese herbology. They are the basic herbal formulas that students of Traditional Chinese medicine learn. Later these students will adapt these classic formulas to match the needs of each patient.


Many of these formulas were created by the pioneers of Chinese medicine and are quite old. For example, "Liu Wei Di Huang Wan" was developed by Qian Yi . It was published in the "Xiao'er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue" in 1119 by Qian Yi's student.

Modern Usage

Many of these formulas are still made in the form of Chinese patent medicine. These formulas are also used in kampo . In Japan, herbalists do not create medicine for each patient. Instead the herbalist will choose an formula that has been by the Japanese government. These formulas are based on the Chinese classic herbal formulas. They often vary slightly, however. Sometimes Chinese plants are substituted for plants found in Japan. Or the proportions of the formula are changed slightly.

Chinese classic herbal formula list

There are hundreds of Chinese classic herbal formulas. Many are slight variations of other formulas, however. It is difficult to define which of these formulas are the most common. The two leading brands to export Chinese classic herbal formulas in the form of Chinese patent medicine from China are Mín Shān and Plum Flower . These are the formulas made by these 2 brands.

|shēng mài sǎn wán
|Shi Quan Da Bu Wan
|Ten Flavor Teapills
|shíquán dàbǔ wán
|Shihu Yeguang Wan
|shíhú yèguāng wán
|Shou Wu Pian
|shǒu wū piàn
|Shou Wu Essence
|shǒu wū zhī
|Shu Gan Wan
|Soothe Liver Teapills
|shū gān wán
|Si Jun Zi Tang Wan
|Four Gentlemen Teapills
|sì jūn zǐ tāng wán
|Si Miao Wan
|Four Marvel Teapills
|sì miào wán
|Si Ni San Wan
|Four Pillars Teapills
|sì nì sǎn wán
|Si Wu Tang Wan
|Four Substances For Women
|sì wù tāng wán
|Suan Zao Ren Tang Pian
|suān zǎo rén tāng piàn
|Tao Hong Si Wu Tang Wan
|táo hóng sì wù tāng wán
|Tao Ren Wan / Run Chang Wan
|Peach Kernel Teapills
|桃仁丸 / 润肠丸
|桃仁丸 / 潤腸丸
|táo rén wán / rùn cháng wán
|Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin Wan
|tiān má gōu téng yǐn wán
|Tian Ma Mi Huan Su
|tiān má mì huán sù
|Tianma Wan
|tiānmá wán
|Tian Qi Du Zhong Wan
|tián qī dù zhòng wán
|Tian Qi Wan
|tián qī wán
|Tian Tai Wu Yao Wan
|Lindera Combination Teapills
|tiān tái wū yào wán
|Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
|Emperor's Teapills
|tiānwáng bǔxīn dān
|Tong Jing Wan
|Calm In The Sea Of Life Teapills
|tōng jīng wán
|Tong Qiao Huo Xue Wan
|tōng qiào huó xuè wán
|Tong Shun Wan
|tōng shùn wán
|Tong Xie Yao Fang Wan
|Calm Wind Teapills
|tòng xiè yào fāng wán
|Wen Dan Tang Wan
|Rising Courage Teapills
|wēn dǎn tāng wán
|Wen Jing Tang Wan
|Warm Cycle Teapills
|wēn jīng tāng wán
|Wuji Baifeng Wan
|Wuchi Paifeng Wan
|wūjī báifèng wán
|Wu Ling San Wan
|wǔ líng sǎn wán
|Wu Pi Yin Wan
|Five Peel Teapills
|wǔ pí yǐn wán
|Wuren Wan
|Five Seed Teapills
|wǔrén wán
|Wu Wei Xiao Du Wan
|Five Flavor Teapills
|wǔ wèi xiāo dú wán
|Wuzi Yanzong Wan
|Five Ancestors Teapills
|wǔzǐ yǎnzōng wán
|Xiang Fu Li Zhong Wan
|xiāng fù lǐ zhōng wán
|Xiang Lian Wan
|Aucklandia & Coptis Teapills
|xiāng lián wán
|Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Wan
|Six Gentlemen Plus Teapills
|xiāng shā liù jūn zǐ wán
|Xiangsha Yangwei Wan
|xiāngshā yǎngwèi wán
|Xiao Chai Hu Tang Wan
|xiǎo chái hú tāng wán
|Xiao Feng Wan
|Great Windkeeper Teapills
|xiāo fēng wán
|Xiao Huo Luo Dan Wan
|xiǎo huó luò dān wán
|Xiao Jian Zhong Wan
|Minor Restore The Middle Teapills
|xiǎo jiàn zhōng wán
|Xiao Qing Long Wan
|Minor Blue Dragon Teapills
|xiǎo qīng lóng wán
|Xiao Yao Wan
|Free & Easy Wanderer Teapills
|xiāo yáo wán
|Xin Yi Wan
|Magnolia Flower Teapills
|xīn yí wán
|Xuan Bi Wan
|xuān bì wán
|Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Wan
|Stasis In The Mansion Of Blood Teapills
|xuè fǔ zhú yū tāng wán
|Yan Hu Suo Zhi Tong Wan
|Great Corydalis Teapills
|yán hú suǒ zhǐ tòng wán
|Yang Rong Wan
|yǎng róng wán
|Yang Ying Wan
|yǎng yíng wán
|Yao Tong Pian
|yāo tòng piàn
|Yi Guan Jian Wan
|Linking Decoction Teapills
|yī guàn jiān wán
|Yin Qiao Jie Du Pian
|Yin Chiao Chieh Tu Pien
|yín qiáo jiě dú piàn
|Yougui Wan
|Right Side Replenishing Teapills
|yòuguī wán
|Yu Dai Wan
|yù dài wán
|Yu Ping Feng San Wan
|Jade Screen Teapills
|yù píng fēng sǎn wán
|Yu Quan Wan
|Jade Spring Teapills
|yù quán wán
|Zhen Gan Xi Feng Wan
|zhèn gān xī fēng wán
|Zhen Wu Tang Wan
|True Warrior Teapills
|zhēn wǔ tāng wán
|Zhibai Dihuang Wan
|Eight Flavor Rehmannia Teapills
|zhībǎi dìhuáng wán
|Zhi Gan Cao Wan
|zhì gān cǎo wán
|Zhong Gan Ling
|zhòng gǎn líng
|Zhong Guo Tong Xue Pian
|China Tung Hsueh Pills
|zhōng guó tōng xuè piàn
|Zhui Feng Tou Gu Wan
|Chui Feng Tou Gu Wan
|zhuī fēng tòu gǔ wán
|Zi Sheng Wan
|zī shēng wán
|Zuogui Wan
|Left Side Replenishing Teapills
|zuǒguī wán

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